Monday, July 11, 2011

Concurrent Sessions- DEN Summer 2011

Steve Dembo    iThink iNeed iPads in the Classroom    University Center Forum A/B    Sure, they're bright and shiny, but are they really learning devices? We'll take a close look at exactly how these technologies are being leveraged in the classroom and what the best apps are for educational purposes.

Cynthia M Brown    Digital Storytelling 2.0 with Discovery Education    UC 128    Storytelling can be used to frame learning, scaffold content and enable students to imagine new perspectives. Join us as we uncover creative ways Discovery Education media and web 2.0 applications like Jay Cut, Photo Peach, and Voice Thread can be harnessed by students to place facts in a meaningful context through the publishing of creative media-rich digital stories.  Participants will learn how to create, manage, and assess digital storytelling experiences in their classroom.  
Kyle Schutt    Checking for Understanding in a Digital World    UC 104    Save time and effort, avoid frustration, and motivate students by leveraging the power of formative assessment in your classroom.  After all, research shows that when teachers understand formative assessment processes and students participate in them, BOTH achievement and motivation increase.  In this session we'll learn how digital tools are blurring the lines between assessment and instruction by focusing on learning.  We'll take a look at a suite of Discovery Education tools along with a host of other free web 2.0 resources to find out what your students know so you can teach them what they need.
Lindsay Hopkins    Connecting Language Learners to the Curriculum through Digital Media    UC 103    With diverse classroom populations, your ability to differentiate feels more important than ever. In this session, explore Discovery Education through the lens of Language Learners and see how digital media and technology can engage and benefit students from all backgrounds.
Matt Monjan    Using Discovery Education to Differentiate Your Instruction    UC 107    "This hands-on session, will explore how educators can use Discovery Education’s video, imagery, sound files, and more to reach different learners and deliver that “a-ha!” moment.  We'll examine how Discovery Education’s interactive media can be used to easily customize lessons that allow students to process information through multiple modalities.

1.  Participants will develop a broader understanding of how to integrate engaging digital content into their classrooms.

2. Participants will examine how one type of digital media (song, image, video) can be used to engage multiple types of intelligences (kinesthetic, auditory, and visual). 

3.  Participants will leave with an understanding that differentiated instruction does not mean that teachers have to create a different lesson plan for each learner but rather one lesson that reaches multiple learners at the same time
Traci Blazosky    Do the Mash... DEN Style!    UC 128    In this session I'll share some creative ways to 'Do the Mash' DEN Style. We'll combine Discovery and Web2.0 applications to create a unique Mash Up that will surely bring out the entertainer in all of us!
Nancy Sharoff    Do You See What i-See?    University Center Forum A/B    We'll take a look at various i-Device (iTouch & iPad) photo editing and image content creation applications and how to use these in our classrooms, in our lessons, and with our students.  Be sure to bring your i-Device as there will be time to play.  You will also help to 'build' the content of the workshop by contributing your ideas for using the applications in a shared Google Doc.
Jen Wagner    Show Off Your Stuff    UC 107    You will be involved in a  REAL TIME online project and then learn 4 (or more) ways to display your data in unique and clever ways.  
Cheryl Lykowski    Pack Your Bags! Google Earth & Lit Trips    UC 104    This hands-on session will take participants step-by-step on creating a Google Lit Trip and creating virtual field trips using Google Earth.
Rita Mortenson    Discovery Streaming - Take 2    UC 103    "In this hands on session, you will learn a variety of ways that you can incorporate Discovery Streaming content into your curriculum.  Learn how one high school teacher had students make incredible documentaries using iMovie, that were then shown at the Apple Store.

Learn how you can create a variety of engaging digital media projects with Discovery Streaming using a Mac or an iPad2."

DEN Summer Institute 2011

Today's schedule-- Lots to learn....
UC128: Thomas Guide or Magellan?!? Building the Foundation for Active Learning       
UC107: Recalculating Route: Uncovering and Discovering Digital Learning Activities       
UC104: No Outlet: Tailoring Instruction for the Digital Learner       
UC103: Red Light… Green Light: Assessing and Maximizing Student Engagement       

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Green Screening with Discovery Education Videos

Found this great DEN blog article to help out with using green screen and student videos-- great tips here!