Sunday, December 23, 2012

Geeky Magnetic Poetry Set from Elfster App gift exchange 2012

I joined a national ed tech gift exchange called 'Nerdy or Nice' using the app/ website Elfster. It was a fun way to connect with other nerds and see all the awesome wish lists out there. I received a fun Geek Magnetic Poetry set and already have it in place on my fridge at home.

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to organize your shopping reward cards in your smart phone

Card Star is a free app that organizes all of your shopping reward cards directly from your smartphone.  It is a product of Constant Contact, the e-mail news program that many companies and schools use for disseminating information. 

Mapping Media to the Common Core

Great learning 'menu' of student projects that instructors may align with the common core. 
check this out!


What do you want to CREATE today?

text-only version of this index is also available.