Discovery Educator Network (DEN). A high-quality community of generous educators.
Sign up for a free trial.
When you are hired in a Georgia School you'll get a full account.
Check out the Science and Social Studies Tech Books and the Student platform.
Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE). Highly competitive application process. Check them out on iTunes U. Part of their assignment is to make and share great content.
Edcamp Atlanta.
ISTE- In Atlanta in 2014. (happens once every 15 years or so). Sign up to volunteer!!
Make a blog. Follow blogs.
Sony Education Ambassadors
Google Certified Teachers / Google Teacher Academy
Hashtags to follow-
#ntchat (new teachers)
#densi2013 (each year a new chat)
#denchat - Thursdays at 8pm
People to follow
Bonus Tips: Use IFTTT to manage all of your social media.
Our City Schools of Decatur 1:1 iPad project at The 4/5 Academy at Fifth Avenue: