Thanks to Katie Goldstein for compiling this list... :)
FREE Online Typing Resources for Students and Families
Updated: May 2010
Al Bunny’s Typing Class
Every user can has his/her own detailed practice history file for reviewing the progress has been made and the hints for improvement. After each CLASS session, a detailed analysis is provided to the user. Not only the accuracy and speed are given in the analysis report, the user can know exactly what are the keys need practicing more. Help Al Bunny to win the race by clearing the obstacles in his way before his rival catches him up.
Dance Mat Typing
Welcome to Dance Mat Typing, an introduction to touch typing for children aged 7 - 11 years. This program has 4 levels,
divided into 3 stages. Begin at Level 1 and build up your skills gradually through to Level 4. You will need headphones or speakers to enjoy the song and dance in each game.
The Keyboard Game
Basic Touch typing time test. Allows a score to be given, data to be collected. This program focuses on touch typing at the letter level, not at word level- but is age appropriate for middle and high school students. Great for competition!
Free Typing Games, lessons and tests
High quality, fun and interactive free touch typing games, free touch typing lessons, and free touch typing tests. The free typing lessons have 30 different typing lessons including home row and 10 key to choose from. Standardized typing methods have their place, such as key, hand, and finger based lessons. Fun and entertaining game will often motivate some learners over traditional lesson based learning.
Kids N Keys
Kids 'n' Keys is a typing tutor game to introduce young children to the computer keyboard and mouse while teaching them keyboard and mouse skills. With multiple play levels of increasing difficulty, adults can also use it as a typing tutor. Kids 'n' Keys provides a sixty (60) day trial period. Use of Kids 'n' Keys beyond the trial period requires registration.
Kid’s Typing Skills
You can learn about the keyboard and which finger presses which key. Practice with keyboard drills, character drills, and word drills. Take timed tests to determine and improve your typing speed.
Krazy Keyboarding for Kids
Proper technique forms the foundation for successful touch keyboarding. There are 16 lessons and a review.
Nimble Fingers
Online typing test tutorials will help you learn the basic keystrokes. Each topic contains multiple exercises. The program attempts to balance the "trade-off" between short sentences containing simplistic topics, and the need of a learner to enjoy what they are doing.
Touch Typing
Free Program that lets you exercise and learn Touch Typing with lessons and games. Has multiple languages and keyboard set ups for practice.
Super Hyper Spider Typer
Hungry lizards with words on their backs are after Berry the hairy spider! Save Berry from these colorful, wacky creatures by typing words quickly as they appear on their backs and help her from becoming someone's lunch! Type in the letters or words you see on the lizard's backs as soon as they appear on the screen to clear them away.
Typing Master Typing Test and Games
TypingMaster Typing Test is a free, full-featured typing tester for Windows. After warming up with the four fun games you can test your typing speed with several test texts - or add your own text. You can also print out a certificate of your results.
Learn 2 Type
This program has 3 distinct levels: one for students in K-2 that focuses on keyboard awareness; another level for grades 3 and up that has lessons, games and tests and finally a level for older students / adults which is more direct instruction and less game components.
Custom Typing Training
This free typing program will measure your typing speed and track your improvement while you do your regular day to day work. It's like getting a free typing lesson - just do the work that you normally do on your computer, and let Speedometer test your speed and help you to improve. Just run Speedometer while you are writing an e-mail, typing a letter, or doing anything else that involves a lot of typing. Speedometer will let you know how fast you're typing, how often you are correcting mistakes, and if your speed is improving. Speedometer works with Windows XP, Vista, and later.
The site that “swims with learning fun, over 30 games to work on letter / keyboard awareness and typing lessons to promote proper keyboarding skills, reinforceable with the online games.
Computer Circus l
Free online training in 8 different lessons that use a circus theme to teach home row and typing skills.