I am not responsible for any loss of warranty or other issues that may arise from jailbreaking a device!
jailbreak 101 notes- August 2012
plug in phone, download Absinthe 2.0
cydia app appears
-app store for jailbroken apps
wifi hotspot pdanet tethering
grooveshark is for music
update files- take defaults
sections for themes games etc
safari download manager download files like you would on computer
features on iphone we want that we don't have- can add lots!
such as....
worst case scenario- button combo completely wipes out device :
home and off button for 10 sec, release power button, press home button again.
turn into a gameboy- through cidia - called
nintendo 64 and playstation
installus- app looks like app store GUI for accessing apps. torrents file sharing peer to peer- can steal apps
can't use facetime over 3g?
3g unrestricted- facetime anywhere
download larger apps also
themes jailbreak
winterboard- custom icons you can swap with others
multitasking apps-
cardswitcher- swipe through apps, pull down to close app, click to return to home
change any buttons and their function
mimics windowing on macs- multiple windows. click and resize windows.
swipe select
slide keyboard, highlight with shift key
control ipad using keyboard- set commands - Keystroke combos, etc.
speed intensifier
Sent from the iPhone of Sandi Dennis
jailbreak 101 notes- August 2012
plug in phone, download Absinthe 2.0
cydia app appears
-app store for jailbroken apps
wifi hotspot pdanet tethering
grooveshark is for music
update files- take defaults
sections for themes games etc
safari download manager download files like you would on computer
features on iphone we want that we don't have- can add lots!
such as....
- flash -
- intelliscreen x - multiple pages on notification center (rss, websites, etc.)9.99
- frash - flash imitation
- skyfire- flash
- ifile- transfer between apps
- widgets- full cal, system toggles, ram usage, free up ram, etc
- plug phone in to more than one - multitunes, musik,
- youtubetomp3- pull audio from video in youtube for songs
- dashboard x- notification center
worst case scenario- button combo completely wipes out device :
home and off button for 10 sec, release power button, press home button again.
turn into a gameboy- through cidia - called
nintendo 64 and playstation
installus- app looks like app store GUI for accessing apps. torrents file sharing peer to peer- can steal apps
can't use facetime over 3g?
3g unrestricted- facetime anywhere
download larger apps also
themes jailbreak
winterboard- custom icons you can swap with others
multitasking apps-
cardswitcher- swipe through apps, pull down to close app, click to return to home
change any buttons and their function
mimics windowing on macs- multiple windows. click and resize windows.
swipe select
slide keyboard, highlight with shift key
control ipad using keyboard- set commands - Keystroke combos, etc.
speed intensifier
Sent from the iPhone of Sandi Dennis