I saw David Pogue http://www.davidpogue.com/ when he was the keynote speaker/singer/piano player/comedian at Georgia's Ed. Tech Conference a few years ago. He is incredible.
He is also the host of NOVA's 'Can Science Stop Crime'. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/can-science-stop-crime.html
Check it out- record it- order it. It will certainly be fun and informative.
Here's a write-up from KPBS:
David Pogue, popular technology reporter for The New York Times, is the new host of the critically acclaimed science magazine series, NOVA scienceNOW, beginning with the launch of Season Six in October 2012. Featuring four stories in each themed episode, the new season again tackles an array of thought-provoking topics.
"Can Science Stop Crime?" - What’s the secret to stopping crime? David Pogue gives the third degree to scientists pushing the limits of technology — not only to solve horrific murders, but also to try to prevent crimes.
Pogue learns the latest techniques, from unraveling the clues embedded in a decomposing corpse to detecting lies by peering directly into a suspect’s brain to tracking the creation of a psychopath’s mind.
And a genius crime-stopper has made some terrifying discoveries, including how easy it is for a bad guy to highjack — not just your laptop, but your kids’ toys, your pacemaker and even your car.