I'll have a series of blog posts about my experience for anyone who wants to embark on the 1:1 journey!
I'll expand on each bullet point below in my next posts and share everything I have created.
Stay tuned!
We've worked for over a year to roll out our iPads for staff and students here at the 4/5 Academy at Fifth Avenue in City Schools of Decatur. I am the Media and Instructional Technology Specialist, and my role was to assist with planning, purchasing decisions, and training/implementation. Other district staff members actually did the behind the scenes purchasing and app deployment.
After your project has been approved and funded- here are the planning steps you can begin.
2- Create a blog for your project or your wishes.
3- Have a steering committee and a few sub-committees of people with specialized skills and interests.
4- Order carts ahead of time .
5- Have a "case research team".
6- Have a Training and App Selection team.
7- Include parents and/or community experts in the planning process.
- Hold a "Parent Work Day".
8- Have teachers/staff set up their own staff ipads.
9- Host a whole day iPad Professional Learning event.
10- Reach agreements about what teachers will implement in a six-week time period.
11- Plan parent communication about the iPad initiative.
12- Have students show parents their ipads.
13- Research and choose an LMS.
14- Create a handbook and a one-page at-a-glance chart.
15- Revisit ongoing Professional Learning and Curriculum Integration
- Take a deep breath- it is going to be an exciting ride!