short clips are more effective than an entire video.
How to cheat on a test- online videos
How to make your school paper longer
CHEAT= Children Hate Everything About Tests
- Bring YouTube into the classroom
- Contribute virtual sticky notes
- Use wikis
- Collect data using a shared spreadsheet
- Bookmark, organize, and annotate webpages
- Engage students with the coolest sites the web has to offer
- Collaborate on a document
- Connect to the world through Skype
- Host game shows
- Create online quizzes
- Record podcasts
- Make comic strips
- Co-create rubrics
- Design an online poster
- Create zooming presentations
- Assign roving reporters
- Have Pecha Kucha presentations
- Have fun with images
- Create talking cartoons
- Create hip slide shows
- Give choice of end products
1. Bring You Tube into the Classroom- download the video. Google search "how to download you tube" (add kick to beginning of you tube video- you select format, download, save, put on cd, dvd, ipod, etc.). Working on the Work- Schlechty: Qualities that affect engagement. 8 qualities - tied in to web 2.0 sites.
- Affiliation- Products are made that are useful to others.
3. Use Wikis- all 21 ways to engage students!
4. Collect Data using a Google Spreadsheet