Friday, November 6, 2009

Tony Vincent ( 21 ways to reach 21st century learners

Web 2.0-
short clips are more effective than an entire video.
How to cheat on a test- online videos
How to make your school paper longer

CHEAT= Children Hate Everything About Tests
  1. Bring YouTube into the classroom
  2. Contribute virtual sticky notes
  3. Use wikis
  4. Collect data using a shared spreadsheet
  5. Bookmark, organize, and annotate webpages
  6. Engage students with the coolest sites the web has to offer
  7. Collaborate on a document
  8. Connect to the world through Skype
  9. Host game shows
  10. Create online quizzes
  11. Record podcasts
  12. Make comic strips
  13. Co-create rubrics
  14. Design an online poster
  15. Create zooming presentations
  16. Assign roving reporters
  17. Have Pecha Kucha presentations
  18. Have fun with images
  19. Create talking cartoons
  20. Create hip slide shows
  21. Give choice of end products

1. Bring You Tube into the Classroom- download the video. Google search "how to download you tube" (add kick to beginning of you tube video- you select format, download, save, put on cd, dvd, ipod, etc.). Working on the Work- Schlechty: Qualities that affect engagement. 8 qualities - tied in to web 2.0 sites.
  • Affiliation- Products are made that are useful to others.
2. Contribute Virtual Sticky Notes: ;
3. Use Wikis- all 21 ways to engage students!
4. Collect Data using a Google Spreadsheet