Tech or treat 2011 highlights-
Georgia Backyard - great, yet underused, resource
Today in Georgia history on Gpb website- great to integrate w/ morning news show
GBI - Sue Dowling presented about Cyber Safety initiative and how to receive training
Virtual Conference- Wes Fryer
How to use multimedia in more innovative ways....180 photo challenge, SHARE playing with audio, Soundcloud, think about a Sound Blog!Record audio about what is happening at school. - allows you. Email audio,video,images and quickly blog. Search this site for a sound blog. - I learned a new term today- PHLOG - a phone log online
what does every classroom need?
Every classroom needs 3 things: Home Base (website), Newspapers (blogs, etc to share work and info), and Digital Lockers
Google sites are great for this- everyone needs a blog which allows for comments. Every website should have moderated comments.