I have been using Weebly to create websites and blogs (coming soon) for myself and my students. What a simple, user-friendly site! If you end up signing up for Weebly- please use my link because I might get another free student account or a toaster or something for everyone who uses this link: http://education.weebly.com/referral.php?1ZjSFi
Here is an idea for Weebly use in the media center-- a "book request" form for students to fill out when requesting new titles. A "Tech Support" request for students needing help or instructions. An application to become a library assistant.
Anything you are having patrons complete with paper and pencil can become a form in Weebly--
I did buy the "pro" version and it is a purchase I have used repeatedly in my media center.
It also allowed me to create 40 STUDENT websites (linkled to my one paid account). It has been a valuable tool and I do plan to renew this license.
Here are the instructions I sent home with students:
Here is an idea for Weebly use in the media center-- a "book request" form for students to fill out when requesting new titles. A "Tech Support" request for students needing help or instructions. An application to become a library assistant.
Anything you are having patrons complete with paper and pencil can become a form in Weebly--
I did buy the "pro" version and it is a purchase I have used repeatedly in my media center.
It also allowed me to create 40 STUDENT websites (linkled to my one paid account). It has been a valuable tool and I do plan to renew this license.
Here are the instructions I sent home with students:
October 10, 2011, From: Sandi Dennis, F.AVE Media/Tech Specialist sdennis@csdecatur.net
WELCOME Junior Media Specialists!
You are receiving this letter because you turned in your signed form on time and checked YES for creating a website.
I am so glad you have decided to make a website about the books you read!
This set of instructions might seem complicated- but just take it step by step and do a little bit every day and your site will be great really soon!
Your website login info. is attached.
If you do not have Internet access at home, you may ask your teacher to allow you to work on your site during the school day. Mrs. Dennis can help you during the day.
Your to-do list by the end of October: (steps 1-7)
1. Look at Mrs. Dennis’ cat’s blog: http://romeoreader.blogspot.com This is an example of how you will be reviewing books this year… from the point of view of an animal or pet. Your animal’s website will be linked to my blog in November! J
2. Log in to your animal’s website and experiment with the design styles. The login is attached. The COMPLETE beginner’s how-to guide is here- http://help.weebly.com/beginners-guide.html
3. Give your site a title like “Buster’s Book Reviews” or “Scotty’s Super Books”.
4. Take a picture of your pet. OR- get a picture of an animal and save it to your computer.
5. Try to upload the picture of your pet to your site.
6. Introduce your pet and your website in a text box like Mrs. Dennis introduced her cat. Example of the right way to describe your pet: “Hi I’m Buster, Susie’s dog.” Or “Welcome to Book Reviews for Ponies Who Love to Read (PWLTR)!”(See step 6a)
6a. If you are very advanced, you may make a Voki (www.voki.com) to add an avatar to your site that looks like you or your pet. (This is optional- in Voki, click PUBLISH, copy the embed code, then in Weebly add a “custom HTML” box, click in the box and PASTE your code, publish your site to see Voki avatar).
7. Add a picture of the first book you will review (you do not have to write the review yet). Use Amazon.com to find a picture, or take a digital photo, or draw your own picture and scan it in and upload it.
Important: Please DO NOT put your last name anywhere on the website. FIRST NAMES ONLY!