- Go to www.brainpop.com (or brainpopjr.com for K-3)
- Enter Code on top right
- Click Sign Up Now and select user names and passwords, plus security info.
- agree to terms and students will be able to login
Some Cool Features:
GAME UP: GAMES: over 100 cross-curricular games...
- Click Games--All Games-- Jelly Bean for a sample game that builds number sense.
- Time Zone X is a cool historical events sequencing game on the horizon...Click Game Up on homescreen, search for games.
MIND-MAPPING: Concept mapping tool in Brainpop is called "Make a Map"- take moments from a movie and organize them visually. To try it out- go to a movie in Brainpop, click "Make a Map" underneath- and notice the key vocabulary is available for your mind map. You can also click ¨Add a movie" and add another movies info to your map. Students can explain their maps below and on each keyword- you can click play and go to the exact place in the video to see that keyword. Way cool!
SORTIFY: for interactive sorting and categorizing games that are automatically scored and submitted to the teacher.
ELL LESSONS: over 90 ELL Lessons in Brainpop ESL
MIXER: over 20 thousand questions
QUIZ MIXER: Make and edit your own quizzes! Heres a link to a step guide.
SNAPTHOUGHT - search for snapthought to see which games have this feature--- students can take a snapshot of part of the resource and explain it by submitting to the teacher.
PRIMARY SOURCES: Click here for an article detailing the primary source additions...
BRAINPOP EDUCATORS: Lesson ideas, support videos, help getting started with all of the things listed above