Sunday, June 28, 2015

"You can do THAT with a Google Spreadsheet?" presented by Tammy Worcester Tang #iste2015 #google

Tammy Worcester Tang's website is  She is available to come to your school or district to provide training and workshops that excite your teachers and engage your learners!

The Google Templates, Tips, and resources on Tammy's website are found here: 

Tammy Worcester Tang
Login to your Google account before you begin.

virtual index card made with Google Sheet


Topics in this class...

1. URL Shortener and QR Code Creator

2. Spreadsheet Basics

3. Class Notebook

4.  Lesson Plans

5.  Mad Libs

6. Pixel Picture

7. Power of the Penny

8. Magic Square

9. Random Picker Add-On

10. Animal Guess My Number

11. Awesome Google Spreadsheet Formatting Tricks

12. Tammy’s Templates - Click here to see