Study The Way You Want. Studying for an exam is now easy, simple, and fun with Cram. Cram's multiple-choice testing mode resembles the type of tests you're used to from images, to multiple answers, to timed tests. When your test is over, Cram grades and records your test performance so you can track your progress.
Great teachers understand that simple regurgitation of information is not our ultimate goal. However, there will be times when students must do so in order to pass an exam.
I offered to purchase this somewhat pricey app for my son - we will see what he thinks about it and I will update this post after he tries it out.
Cram allows studying of flash cards and multiple choice items on Macs, iPhones, and iPads.
I offered to purchase this somewhat pricey app for my son - we will see what he thinks about it and I will update this post after he tries it out.
Cram allows studying of flash cards and multiple choice items on Macs, iPhones, and iPads.