2012-2013 Nominees and Author Websites/Blogs: (N) indicates available on Nook reader. Some titles are more appropriate for mature or Middle Grades audiences.
- Davis, Eleanor Secret Science Alliance And The Copycat Crook
- Greenwald, Lisa My Life In Pink & Green (N)
- Holm, Jennifer Turtle In Paradise (N)
- Shang, Wendy Great Wall Of Lucy Wu
- Bauer, Joan Close To Famous (N)
- Carmichael, Clay Wild Things
- Connor, Leslie Crunch (N)
- Falls, Kat Dark Life
- Greenwald, Tommy Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide To Not Reading (N)
- Landon, Kristen Limit (N)
- Lasky, Kathryn Ashes (N)
- Lupica, Mike Hero (N)
- Mone, Gregory Fish
- Rhodes, Jewell Ninth Ward (N)
- Silberberg, Alan Milo (N)
- Ylvisaker, Anne Luck Of The Buttons (N)
- Magoon, Kekla Rock And The River (N)
- Myers, Walter Kick (N)
- Reedy, Trent Words In The Dust
- Shulman, Polly Grimm Legacy (N)