About Aurasma
Aurasma is a radical piece of technology that represents the future of how we use our mobile devices by bringing the physical and virtual worlds together for the first time.Available on smart devices, Aurasma was created out of technology that is capable of recognizing images, symbols and objects in the real world and understanding them. It can then deliver digital content in real time, including videos, animations, audio or webpages.

You can download Aurasma Lite or Aurasma-enabled apps created by our Partners for free from your App Store or Google Play.
If you want to get to grips with Aurasma Lite here are some tips to help you quickly start viewing, creating and sharing Aurasma with your friends.
For video tutorials and use-cases, check out Aurasma Lite’s official YouTube Channel.
Aurasma App- Take a Picture-- Ann an object, etc.