My notes from a session about ibooks Author presented by Rita Mortensen:
DigitalContent Creation
iBooks and ePub- what are they, how do they differ, how do you upload to mobile device??
ibooks in education- A HUGE topic this year!
EPUB- electronic publication. unique file extension- .epub
flowable content made specifically for mobile device- enlarge text, etc.
Use an EPUB when... optimized for ibooks
- support for video embedded in a document
Use a PDF- when we want all to stay exactly as it is- preserve content
Use PAGES on Mac- download template on apple website,
free web tool 'dot ePub' turn any website into an epub
Use Apple iBooks Author template to create epubs and embed video
drag and drop method of creating books
ibooks author app- only works with Lion (10.7)- free templates, hidden gems and free templates in app store - sample video
add pics, photo albums, widgets, highlight things to take notes, etc.
epubs is what you'll use if you don't have ibook author
field trip to Apple learn how to do ibooks
highlighted pages on left menu are a "chunk" and must be moved together
best to enter content into word processor and copy paste in
Widgets that come with program: media, review, keynotes, objects interactive, html, 3D objects. a set on the site of widgets is 40.00.
in design mode- plug in your ipad to laptop and click preview button to see book on your bookshelf at any time.
wontube is a way to convert things - free in app store - drag video on
Sent from the iPhone of Sandi Dennis

DigitalContent Creation
iBooks and ePub- what are they, how do they differ, how do you upload to mobile device??
ibooks in education- A HUGE topic this year!
EPUB- electronic publication. unique file extension- .epub
flowable content made specifically for mobile device- enlarge text, etc.
Use an EPUB when... optimized for ibooks
- support for video embedded in a document
Use a PDF- when we want all to stay exactly as it is- preserve content
Use PAGES on Mac- download template on apple website,
free web tool 'dot ePub' turn any website into an epub
Use Apple iBooks Author template to create epubs and embed video
drag and drop method of creating books
ibooks author app- only works with Lion (10.7)- free templates, hidden gems and free templates in app store - sample video
add pics, photo albums, widgets, highlight things to take notes, etc.
epubs is what you'll use if you don't have ibook author
field trip to Apple learn how to do ibooks
highlighted pages on left menu are a "chunk" and must be moved together
best to enter content into word processor and copy paste in
Widgets that come with program: media, review, keynotes, objects interactive, html, 3D objects. a set on the site of widgets is 40.00.
in design mode- plug in your ipad to laptop and click preview button to see book on your bookshelf at any time.
wontube is a way to convert things - free in app store - drag video on
Sent from the iPhone of Sandi Dennis