Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Evernote Ideas - Group Discussion Notes

evernote single premium evernote address which is set to forward to as many people as you want. 45.00. / year. 1 g storage per month.  can make digital copy of purchase orders sent to main address so all pos and invoices  snap scan fujitsu scanner scans both sides some scanners have a send to evernote button 150.00 scanner -  send snapshots of cable setups and to evernote Searchable from everywhere all evernote interfaces are different- laptop is great, ipad is different can add audio files, photos penultimate connects to evernote @symbol is notebook subject space @notebook add tags with hashtag symbols livescribe pen 183.00 gives free year of evernote 8g bundle- ask kathy shrock  will post this on edmodo trunk- features for evernote Chrome extension "clip to Evernote". title and url pop in, notes added by you.  sandi- put on blog  safari and firefox have web clipper extensions  kindle notes to evernote Evernote Hello- type your name in and syncs to evernote also