In the ipad3- if you go to settings> general> accessibility-
You can turn on a microphone that appears directly on the keyboard- great for voice to text!!
Tips from this site:

You can turn on a microphone that appears directly on the keyboard- great for voice to text!!
Tips from this site:
How to Use iPad Voice Dictation
Believe it or not, voice dictation on the iPad is as easy as one-two-three.
- Tap the microphone button on the iPad's on-screen keyboard. This tells the iPad that you want to start dictating. Not seeing a microphone button? Remember, you need a valid internet connection to use voice dictation.
- Talk. The iPad will record your voice and turn it into text when you are finished. (Be sure to read over the keywords below to find out how to start a new sentence or a new paragraph.)
- Tap the done button that appears onscreen to stop dictating. In a few seconds, the iPad will turn your speech into words on the screen. Be sure to read it over. Voice dictation isn't perfect, so you may need to make a few adjustments using the keyboard.
The great thing about this implementation is that voice dictation is readily available any time the on-screen keyboard is available, which means no hunting around for it when you really need it.
iPad Voice Dictation Keywords
The iPad's voice dictation is surprisingly good at translating voice into speech, even for those of us who have thick accents. But what about ending a sentence with a question mark or starting a new paragraph? To get the most out of voice dictation, you should remember these keywords:
- "Period". The "." is the standard way to end a sentence. It includes a space after the period, so you are ready for your next sentence.
- "Question Mark". The "?" also includes a trailing space.
- "New Paragraph". This keyword phrase starts a new paragraph. Remember to end the previous sentence before beginning the new paragraph.
- "Exclamation Point". The "!" includes a trailing space.
- "Comma". The "," includes a trailing space.
- "Colon". The ";" includes a trailing space.
- "Semi-Colon". The ":" includes a trailing space.
- "Elipsis". The "..." includes a trailing space.
- "Quote" and "Unquote". The " produced by saying "quote" does not produce a trailing space. The " produced by saying "unquote" does include a trailing space.
- "Slash". The "/" symbol.
- "Asterisk". The "*" symbol.
- "Ampersand". The "&" symbol.
- "At Sign". The "@" symbol.
And more... A number of other punctuation marks are also programmed into the system, so if you need one of the more rare marks, simply say it. For example, "upside down question mark" will actually produce an upside down question mark.