Not sure where to start, but want to make your classroom more digital? Read on....
Handouts & Presentations
Example blog:
To create your own:
1.Start with a blog.
Click here to see how to use Blogger to set up a blog.
2.Customize the layout and other options.
3.Post info & photos from a variety of sources, including your phone..
4.Allow viewers to comment.
Click here to see how to moderate comments.
5.Add widgets / embed code / html code.
- Top widgets for a blog
- Twitter feed
- Tammy’s Delicious links for embeddable gadgets
- Add a language-translator gadget
- Use a google form and Batch Geo to create a collaborative map
6.Add static pages.
Click here for directions.
Here are some options for teachers::
- About our class / school - embed a Google map
- Student podcasts - use Vocaroo
- Lesson plans - easy with an embedded Google spreadsheet
- Links for students / parents - embed from Delicious
- School calendar - embed from Google Calendar
- Homework dropbox - use a Google form
For tech directors:
- How-to videos - use Jing
- Livecast - use
- Help Desk - use a Google form
- Schedule - use a Google calendar
For administrators:
- What’s happening?
- School calendar - embed from Google Calendar
- Podcast - use Vocaroo
- Feedback form - use a Google form
7.Share student work.
- Embed a spreadsheet with links to online projects/activities
- Use a Blidget to put a blog within a blog
- Use a google form to collect embed code from a student project, then copy and paste the code into your blog.
- Take a screen shot with Skitch or Jing and upload to the web for sharing.
- Use to record and then embed narrated presentations
- Use an iPod/iPad app such as Storykit to capture and embed student drawings and voice
8.Other cool tools:
- Great for scheduling PT conferences / works with Google