From the presenter, Anne Wall, Austin Peay State University
This presentation represents a compilation of the results of the WebQuest assignment. I have collected the suggested applications and placed them on a Web site ( where they are categorized by grade level/discipline and NETS-S. Additionally, the Web site includes a rationale for the selection of each application as well as its iTunes review. This Web site will be modified and expanded as more apps are recommended by students and faculty in the future. The presentation will also include sample management plans and tips for using the VPP chosen from the WebQuest submissions as well as an overview of the implementation plan we are now using in the APSU College of Education.

This presentation represents a compilation of the results of the WebQuest assignment. I have collected the suggested applications and placed them on a Web site ( where they are categorized by grade level/discipline and NETS-S. Additionally, the Web site includes a rationale for the selection of each application as well as its iTunes review. This Web site will be modified and expanded as more apps are recommended by students and faculty in the future. The presentation will also include sample management plans and tips for using the VPP chosen from the WebQuest submissions as well as an overview of the implementation plan we are now using in the APSU College of Education.